Up Think Blog
Setting Up Forms On Your Website
There used to be a time when businesses and people listed their email address upfront on their websites to make it easy for others to contact them. However, as spam on the internet grew by leaps and bounds this became problematic as spammers harvested these emails to...

Building a calculator with WP Forms plugin
One of the great things about Wordpress is the great number of amazing plugins that are available to extend/build functionality in any type of website. One such amazing plugin is the WP Forms plugin which is a great plugin to create amazing forms quickly. However,...
WordPress upgrade blues … when you need help from an expert
Wordpress is the most popular CMS in the world right now. It is popular not just because it is free but because it is far easier to manage as compared to other solutions out there. Ask anyone who has spent time updating Drupal/Joomla sites and the ease in managing a...

Why a good “call to action” is necessary for your website
A website is the equivalent of having an office/shop on the internet. Just as every shop needs a sign board outside telling everyone the name of the shop and what you can get here a website too needs some sort of signboard. That signboard is really what you can call...
Animations on websites
Everyone wants a website that not just communicates the bare essential message but does so in a way that stands out as unique. After using text and images the next logical way to spice up your website is an animation. While previously the best way to create an...
Adding styles/scripts only when a shortcode is present in content
Shortcodes are one of the wonders of Wordpress and allows the developer an easy way to provide a functionality to the end user. However, it can be slightly tricky to add a script or a stylesheet to a shortcode which only loads when the shortcode is there (so basically...
Getting WooCommerce product detail in a page template
We recently had a project where there was a need to get the product description on a page. The page basically needed to show the product description and some other details only (not the full product) on a page. Here is how we handled it - any suggestions or comments...
Show different excerpt length for different post types
If you have custom post types then there is a likelihood that you may want to show them on the same page but have different excerpt length for each of theme. Here is a simple snippet to help do this: Replace "my-custompost-type1" with the slug of your custom post...
Contact forms and spam
One of the big issues on having a contact form on your website is the spam it attracts. Once your site gets listed on the radar for these spammers then there is simply no end to the endless stream of spam that will show up in your mailbox. There are 2 main ways to...